Even I have to admit the system I tried earlier was.... tedious, non-inspiring, and ill conceived. However upon discovering a system much superior to my previous attempt, I adapted that to suit my taste.
For this you will need a number of D20s and D10s. The number of dice you use can be as random as grabbing a handful or determined by desired density and map size. For a sheet of paper 11"x17" using 20 D20s will give you a nice regional size map. If you want a larger scale map, add more dice. The reverse is like applying a zoom lens to a camera. Subtracting dice gives you a smaller region.
By now you have noticed the 2 blank D20s. Those are wildcards. They are there to give me options. They can be anything.
The D10s are used to determine populations. They are two different colors in case I want to get different races.
The Dice Keys: