Thursday, December 9, 2021

The next incarnation of the Dragon Orbs Prophecy

After watching Matt Colville's video on Oracles, Viisons, and Prophecies (this one

I followed an idea...


The First is hidden in secret possession

‘Til the Mantle of Grey Lord goes unclaimed.

When the first is found, the way is known

The way is war of wing and claw.


Shamans’ vision and Chieftains’ scar

Drives the Dragon tribes to war.

In a tomb of salt, for breath it yearns

The second is found when the White Heart burns.


Should two be found and six remain

Cast a watchful eye to the Longshadow range.


A vendetta from Crellos slays the King of the Dragon Rivers

For the Guild Masters of Crellos covet the Five consorts throne.

To the throne goes the stone.

The Orb of the Queen.


Five yet veiled from the three thus found

The Cult of many eyes knows the path to Orgox

Tho none can pass the ravenous maw of Oc

The Starstone is his, a Deaths Head orb


Four revealed, Heralds muster

We begin to feel the thrum of war


With alacritous assault under swift darkness,

Draconis Nox Diabolous has returned to Potarum Castle

When the long forgotten incantation is spoken once again

The  Orb of Night in unveiled.


Five in the world turns heartbeats to drumbeats


From the land of Shadow comes Draconis Carthax Umbra

To drive the elves from the Tower of Qet

From beneath the stones of Qet

The Orb of Orochi rises at Moon set



When Six there are, and the threat is grave

Ancient scales gather in conclave


From below the Fortress of Keruhl

Emerges Apsis Conjux Draconis

To  encompass the Dwarven Doom

The Orb of Cerulean Depths has slept

Waiting to collect on a draconic debt


The fate of kings

The path of stars

Gathered as spoils

The Eighth resides where as Chorus they sing.