Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The 7 Clans Merchant halls

This area is where the 7 Clans conducted business. The bought and sold all manner of crafted goods, their gem works are still regarded as the finest in any kingdom. Their superior gold smelting and refining techniques are desired by kings and emperors from all corners of the world.


Dungeon23 Room 31

 This area is the grand staircase leading down to room 32. Located here are 9 Goblins (MM Pg. 47  AC 6 1-7 HP)

Monday, January 30, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 30

 Entering this room through the arched doorway the characters will find it contains trash and debris typical throughout the rest of the rooms. The walls are carved with scenes of mining, smelting, and crafting of electrum.


Sunday, January 29, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 29

 Entering this room through the arched doorway the characters will find it contains trash and debris typical throughout the rest of the rooms. The walls are carved with scenes of mining, cutting, polishing and crafting of gems and jeweled artifacts. There is a trapdoor in the floor and the chute leads to room 42. Once a character descends the chute they may not ascend.


Saturday, January 28, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 28

Entering this room through the arched doorway the characters will find it contains trash and debris typical throughout the rest of the rooms. The walls are carved with scenes of mining, smelting, and crafting of silver.

Friday, January 27, 2023

A Game in Places of Peril with Really Big Lizards

Welcome to my game. I modified "that other game" long ago (in high school) I graduated in 86, do the math. In light of recent events I have changed out all my glossy, slippery red & black books for the familiar antiques of a happier time. Along with the books come the inevitable avalanche of notes, half realized ideas, and plain off the wall crap I have scribbled through the course of my gaming life.

Having alot time on my hands, MS sidelined me quite awhile ago, I started writing everything down and getting it formatted so that others can read it. I am certain you will have seen this or something similar somewhere on the internet.

The rulings I made from the original:

Class Level limits are off, characters my advance to any level in their chosen class.
No Monks. They just don't fit the flavor of the majority of worlds. Talk to me when I play an Oriental campaign.
Dwarves cannot be Druids. Other than that, no restrictions on Racial Class choices.
Orcs are replaced by Orrks. They are Orgekin. There are 3 possible outcomes when Ogres and Orrks crossbreed. Ogrillons (not a playable race) 1/2 Ogre (PC race) 1/2 Orrk (PC race) these Half races are not half human.
1/2 Ogres & 1/2 Orrks may only be Shaman (Cleric), Fighters, Barbarians, Thieves, or Assassins.
Only Demi-humans may mutilclass. Only Humans and Half-Elves may have 2 classes.
No 1/2 Ogre or 1/2 Orrks may have an intelligence or charisma score above 12.
1/2 Ogres may have a strength of up to 20 at start. (16 base score +1d4)

Revamped Barbarian:

Level - Experience Points - d12 HD/lvl 
     1       0 - 4500                        2
     2      4501 - 9000                   3
     3      9001 - 18000                 5
     4      18001 - 36000               6
     5      36001 - 72000               7
     6      72001 - 144000             9
     7      144001 - 288000          10
     8     288001 - 576000           11
     9     576001 - 1152000         12
   10    1152001 - 2504000        14

750,000 xp per level after the 10th
4 h.p. + Con adj per level after the 10th
Str/Con 15 or better, Dex 14 or better, Wis 16 or less
-2 AC per point of Dex over 14 if wearing armor that is NOT Fairly Bulky or Bulky
3 level Barbarians strike as if they had a +1 weapon, this increases by +1 at every 3rd level. (6,9,12,15,etc)
Save Bonuses: +4 vs Poison/+3 vs Paralyzation, Polymorph, Petrification & Death Magic/+2 vs Rod,Staff,Wand & BreathWeapon/+3 vs Spell (increases by +1 every 5th level)
Climb Cliffs & Trees as Thief of same would Climb Walls
Natural Camoflage: May hide in natural surroundings as Thief of same level would Hide in Shadows.
Detect Illusion: +5% per level to detect illusions.
Detect Magic: Base 25% chance at 1st level to Detect magic, +5% per level after 1st.
Barbarians ignore all penalties when fighting with 2 weapons.
Other Barbarian abilities remain the same.
Attacks per round by level: 
1-4    3/2
5-8    2/1
9-10  3/1
10+   4/1

Pure Magic wielders M-U, Illusionists, Clerics, & Druids multiply their Wisdom score by the character level to determine their Magic Points. Casting a spells cost the caster magic points. A spell's base cost is it's spell level, add 1 point per dice of damage the spell deals. The G.O.D. (Game Operations Director) is the ultimate arbiter of how much a spell costs.
If a caster runs out of magic points they may cast a spell subtraction the Magic point cost directly from the Wisdom Score. Wisdom scores recover 1  point per day of total bed rest. Or they may permanently sacrifice 1 point of Constitution to receive magic points equal to their new Constitution score times their character level. Once these points are used they are gone forever.
Spells Usable by Class and Level tables represent how many different spells a Caster may hold in their head for repeated use during the course of the day.
Wisdom Table II (PHB pg.11) applies to that total as well and counts for Pure magic wielders. A Class that has spell casting ability under 4th level spells does not use this system.

I will be adding to this list as I discover more of my ancient writings.

Keeper of the Musty Tomes.

Dungeon23 Room 27

 Entering this room through the arched doorway the characters will find it contains trash and debris typical throughout the rest of the rooms. The walls are carved with scenes of mining, smelting, and crafting of gold.


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 26

 The Orcs from this room will have followed the orcs from room 23. Amongst the debris in this room are 250gp loose on the floor. There is also a secret door leading to area 29.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 25

 Lying next to a small iron chest, is the body of a dead orc. One of his hands is blistered and bloody. The chest is coated in contact poison and the hapless orc touched it. I'm just suprised there weren't a couple more. Orcs are not known to be particularly smart. The iron chest contains a small sack with 100pp inside.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 24

 This enormous hall (60' x 100') has a triple row of column down the middle. There are 7 orcs (MM pg. 76 AC 6 HD 1) attempting to remove the torch sconces from the pillars. They are worth collectively 1100sp for the silver ones and 275gp for the gold mountings. There are 4 arched doorways 2 on the left and right that lead to the individual merchant halls. The 2 smaller arched doorways are a grand staircase.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 23

 There are 10 Orcs (MM pg. 76 AC 6 HD 1) scattered between this room and Room 26. Located in a secret compartment in the wall are calibrated copper weights worth 1100cp. 

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 22

 The typical debris is scattered about this otherwise empty room. There is a door on the opposite wall that leads to room 25.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 21

 The doorway to this room is blocked by and iron gate of superior dwarven make. The mechanism to raise the gate is broken. There is a doorway directly across from the gate as well as a door on both the right and left walls. This room is empty and Orc voices can be heard coming from the right side doorway.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 20

 This room is empty save for the low stone table and piles of debris.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 19

 There is nothing to found in the piles of debris scattered around this otherwise empty room. This room too contains a low stone table built into the floor.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 18

 The Orcs from room 17 have already tossed this room, leaving a low stone table built into the floor and rubbish everywhere. The orcs missed the secret compartment in the wall over the table containing Periapt of wound closure, and an Alchemy Jug. There is a Rot Grub magically preserved in the Alchemy Jug as a trap.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 17

 The rubble in this room is being rummaged thru by 8 Orcs (MM pg. 76 AC 6 HD 1). There is a low stone table built into the floor, a small secret compartment just above the table top in the wall are 11 gold trade plates worth 50gp each.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 16

 The stairs from room 15 descend 20ft to a short hall 10ft wide and 20ft long hall that empties into a 20ft wide by 40ft room. On either side of the room there are 2 heavy wooden ironclad doors of Dwarven make. At the far end is a doorway blocked by a heavy iron gate, allowing the pcs to see that room 21 is empty.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 15 --The Seven Clans Stronghold--

 Once past the Dwarven Door, this room is septagonal with a stair leading down in the floor across from the metal doors. There are 6 secondary rooms with large low stone tables in the center of each. This room also contains 7 Hobgoblins (AC 5, HD 1)

Saturday, January 14, 2023

2 weeks: The story of the Tower of Nemyrothys

Nemyrothys was (is?) the last Chronomancer. Having not been seen in the last 3000 years does not mean we can consider it dead. What is known is that he built this tower over the gates that led to the Seven Clans Stronghold. The Seven Clans migrated to Nerenac mountains some 1500 years ago. The mines here in the Fortress Wall range had run out, side effect of the Nemyrothian plains in such close proximity. The Plains are a chaotic wasteland and when when bombarded by the Lich's storms, some of which are strong enough to scour mountains flat, they can change the geography so much as to render the mountains deadly. Even to the most powerful of creatures. One such storm is thought to have destroyed the tower.

The Orcs encountered in the ruins of the tower are from the Zugutu Mountain Clan. Twargs are primitive but savage race that primarily live in large tribes and will work with the other savage races. Ocs, Bugbears, Hobgoblins and the like. They often serve as mercenaries or scouts.

Dungeon23 Room 14

 The 20ft wide stair descends 20ft to a 60ft long hallway that ends in 2 10ft high metal doors that span the width of the hall. The doors are carved with what appears to some form of Dwarven runes. The doors have no visible knobs or locking mechanism.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 13

 This room has the appearance of having been used as a nest for a larger animal and has only recently been vacated.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 12

 This room is unremarkable save for the 13 giant rats (AC7, HP 1-4 MM pg.81) rummaging thru shattered wood and piles of detritus. Under a flagstone in the corner of the room there is  small leather satchel the contains 825 ep and a carved emerald gemstone worth 110gp.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Dungeon 23 Room 11

 This room is damp, dripping, and covered in the same pearl skinned mushroom as in room 9. Clustered around a large stone basin are 3 Shriekers (AC 7, HD 3) This room was some form of laboratory. Concealed behind a false stone panel in the wall, behind a badly deteriorated carved arcane symbol are 4 Potions. Treasure Finding; Philter of Persuasion; Potion of Giant Strength (Cloud Giant); Clairvoyance.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 10

 This room contains decaying scraps of wood and piles of musty, moth-eaten rags. This was possibly living quarters of some kind. But otherwise empty.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 9

 Strewn amongst the puddles and growing all over the walls and stone ledges are tiny pearl skinned mushrooms. They grant the equivalent of dim moon light across the room. Along the left wall of the room are 3 Shiekers (AC 7, HD 3)

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 8

 The spiral stair leading to this room descends 30ft from the upper floor. The pentagonal room (yes we're still in the weird shape section) Behind the spiral stair is a 20ft wide stairway descending into darkness. The exits out of this room open at the points empty into passages. The room is empty.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 7

 This 20ft by 10ft area ends in small staircase festooned with cobwebs. If the party didn't deal with the Lg Spiders  (MM pg 90, AC 8, HD 1+1) from the tower plateau they will encounter them here. The stairway goes up into darkness. When the tower collapsed, several large stones fell o ver the stairway only leaving holes large enough for the spiders to get out. Above the first flight the stairway if filled with rubble and completely blocked.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 6

 Opening the door to room 6 will present you with 10 Orcs (MM pg. 76 AC 6 HD 1) At the center of 4 of the Arcane diagrams on the walls of this room is a gem worth 110gp.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 5

 Upon opening the door to room 5 you will encounter 11 Common Twargs (Reskinned Brigands from MM pg. 66 AC 8, HP 1-6, armed with stone tipped spears) The Twargs wear armor made from strung together Silver Coins. Worth 2200sp. This room has some form of magic circle carved into the floor, and small stone altars at the cardinal points.

This is not an original monster, it is originally a Brigand from the Dark Tower board game.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 4

 Opening the door to room 4 reveals an empty pentagonal shaped room with the remains of mosaic Sorcerer's Star on the floor.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 3

 Crossing the hall to room 3 you will find 9 Giant Rats (AC7, HP 1-4 MM pg.81) rummaging thru the detritus of this otherwise empty room. The room is pentagonal shaped.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Dungeon23 Room 2

 Opening the door in room 1 reveals a 10ft wide passage with a 5ft wide open directly across the hall.  The opening frames the spiral staircase descending into darkness, as well as 4 openings at the center of each of the other 4 walls of this pentagonal room.

My Dungeon23 guidelines

 What I'll doing is rolling up a legal pad page of room contents using the 1979 Advanced D&D Dungeon Master's Guide. 

Specifically starting by rolling on Table V.F. Chamber/Room Contents. pg. 171. 

When Treasure is indicated Table V.G. Treasure pg. 171. 

When Monsters are present, Dungeon Random Monster Tables; Monster Level 1 pg. 175. 

I'll roll on higher level tables as my character party advances. 

My job is make the encounters fit the theme of the dungeon section.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

The Ruin of the Tower of Nemyrothys #Dungeon23

 The Pass at Zyr^rin at the top of the Ezkaitz Horma mountains is unforgivably steep, swarming with tribes of wild Twargs and Orc warbands. At the very top of the pass there is a crooked, jagged path the leads even high up. At the end of that path buried between the forbidding peaks lies the ruin of the Tower of Nemyrothys. 

Until a few months ago only the occasional storm that had the strength to drive the creatures down from the heights was the only noteworthy event anyone could think of, until recently. A trade caravan just in from Gateway Fortress was heard to tell of what they described as a loud explosion and sounds of combat coming thru the valley at the foot of the pass.

Should an intrepid group of adventurers make the climb to the ruins there is a 30% chance of running into 3 Lg Spiders (MM pg 90, AC 8, HD 1+1) on the small plateau where the broken stones of the tower lie in disarray.

Approximately 30feet down from the edge of the plateau that overlooks the steep drop into the crevasse there is a newly formed hole in the side of the mountain. From the edge of the hole the floor is 20ft down opening into a pentagonal room 60 feet across. The room is empty except for a few small  empty barrels with metallic looking black sand scattered about. A stout oak door stands in the middle of the wall opposite the entrance hole. Examination of the inside of the hole will reveal soot around hole. Examination of the small kegs reveals that the black sand is slightly metallic. (Duergar Blasting powder)