Thursday, December 9, 2021

The next incarnation of the Dragon Orbs Prophecy

After watching Matt Colville's video on Oracles, Viisons, and Prophecies (this one

I followed an idea...


The First is hidden in secret possession

‘Til the Mantle of Grey Lord goes unclaimed.

When the first is found, the way is known

The way is war of wing and claw.


Shamans’ vision and Chieftains’ scar

Drives the Dragon tribes to war.

In a tomb of salt, for breath it yearns

The second is found when the White Heart burns.


Should two be found and six remain

Cast a watchful eye to the Longshadow range.


A vendetta from Crellos slays the King of the Dragon Rivers

For the Guild Masters of Crellos covet the Five consorts throne.

To the throne goes the stone.

The Orb of the Queen.


Five yet veiled from the three thus found

The Cult of many eyes knows the path to Orgox

Tho none can pass the ravenous maw of Oc

The Starstone is his, a Deaths Head orb


Four revealed, Heralds muster

We begin to feel the thrum of war


With alacritous assault under swift darkness,

Draconis Nox Diabolous has returned to Potarum Castle

When the long forgotten incantation is spoken once again

The  Orb of Night in unveiled.


Five in the world turns heartbeats to drumbeats


From the land of Shadow comes Draconis Carthax Umbra

To drive the elves from the Tower of Qet

From beneath the stones of Qet

The Orb of Orochi rises at Moon set



When Six there are, and the threat is grave

Ancient scales gather in conclave


From below the Fortress of Keruhl

Emerges Apsis Conjux Draconis

To  encompass the Dwarven Doom

The Orb of Cerulean Depths has slept

Waiting to collect on a draconic debt


The fate of kings

The path of stars

Gathered as spoils

The Eighth resides where as Chorus they sing.



Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Atlantis working document

 After reading through Mystic Odysseys of Theros, I excavated and old project. Creating  a setting for the Atlantean world. When I start something new part of the process is to outline my thoughts to give me a direction. This is that document.

 Atlantis working document


Plato tells us that the Atlantis he is talking about existed some 9000 years before he tells the story. If I start from there, then Atlantis existed at the end of the last ice age. (it's at this point you should look up "Last Glacial maximum") As Atlantis was supposed to be a society more advanced than than the Egyptians or Ancient Greeks, that means the denizens of Atlantis had to have evolved before us standard average humans. The Atlantians, The First ones, Proto-Sapiens. Living in a rather savage and untamed world, they would have been more hardy and robust than normal humans. Atlantians are stronger, taller, heal faster, and live longer naturally. They would have been living in a world shaped by them long before the lesser sapiens gathered together in hunting groups for safety. 


We have now established the premise upon which we shall flesh out the legend.


The Island: Placed somewhere beyond the Pillars of Hercules in the Atlantic ocean. We could take Plato's description literally, but this for fantasy, so we can take a few liberties with some of the details. Applying a small fraction of logic, mixed with a gratuitous amount of pop culture and historical speculation we will put Atlantis in place that gives us a reasonable explanation as to how an entire island could be swallowed by the sea. This location is right on top of intersection of 3 tectonic plates. Go look at the Azores in Google maps, switch to satellite view and look around the ocean floor around there. If Atlantis is going be anywhere, I would put it there.


The North American Plate, Eurasian Plate, and the African Plate form an island. This island is not meant to last, the island formed on top of a massive magma chamber. The island is naturally warmed by the geothermal properties of sitting on a few billion tons of molten rock. The island would have an abundance of life that would take advantage of the utopia like conditions. We now have an island approximately the size of half of Australia. Sitting just outside the Pillars of Hercules, just like Plato said.


The World: Atlantis existed (according to legend) some 12,000 - 15,000 years ago. That is a very long time. Very very long. The world would be unrecognizable from what it looks like today. Sea levels would be drastically lower. Many of the straights and natural channels would be high and dry. Most of the water being still frozen as ice age glaciers.

First, the catastrophe that wiped out Atlantis (in my version) happens when the magma chamber collapses and the cavity swallows Atlantis whole. If we are to blame the Earth's crust for the destruction of Atlantis, why not throw a few more major incidents to liven things up. The tectonic plate boundary between the Eurasian and African plates, runs the length of Mediterranean. So, when Atlantis gets swallowed, we can reasonably assume that the tectonic plates would have to adjust. That adjustment is what caused the library at Alexandria to slide into the sea, it caused the volcano at Santorini to blow, and take out most of the Minoan civilization. It caused the boot of Italy to go from a platform heel down to the stiletto spike it is today. The adjustment finished off the Atlantean civilization. The Sahara desert would have still been green grassland. Glacial ice would still be covering much of north america and northern europe. 12,000 years ago, smilodons (saber tooth tigers), woolly mammoths, and dodo birds would still be around. There are some monsters bases to work from there. The British isles would have been the British island (it sits right next to a major fault line too) 


The cities of the Atlantean empire: If we go by Plato's description of Atlantis, there are the Rings of Poseidon surrounding the Temple of Poseidon. Go do an image search for the City of Carthage. Carthage was supposed to have a circular dock, very reminiscent of the Rings of Poseidon. The walls were said to be formidable, built up defenses that took many years to complete. I'm thinking it started as an Atlantean colony. Minoa might have been another colony. The Atlanteans would have put cities where it made the most sense to support their trading and conquests. Istanbul (was Constantinople) would have been a colony. From what I've learned of the city of Troy, it could be a colony.