Friday, December 23, 2011

Azorath the Warblade


   Long ago during the first War of the Courts. Exeter Daegle distinguished himself at the Battle of Titan’s Reach. Winning the day against the surge of Trolls and Goblins. The Queen of the Winter Court awarded him with a magic blade to match his warriors’ spirit.
   Such is the nature of the Unseelie Queen, that no gift from her is not without price. The War Blade attracted many a good warrior to Exeter’s banner, rendered him vulnerable despite his Brilliant armor. Exeter, mighty champion of the Winter Court met his end during the Battle of the Phoenix Plains. The Warblade was lost for many years after that battle. It showed up again in the hands of Mandros Throhm, yet it disappeared once again, when he fell at the Battle of Skeleton Springs.
   Many righteous warriors have accepted the fate Azorath inflicts, some have escaped with their lives, and some have not.
   The blade was last seen in the hands of Mordacai Drax during the battle to establish Drake’s End. Mordacai fell to a green drake’s razor sharp claws that day. And no living soul has laid eyes on it since.
   Be you a strong soul, willing to make the deal, go seek the Warblade. But beware, many a stout heart have come before you.

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