Sunday, March 20, 2016

At the crossroads...

   My wife and I have decided that 2016 is the year of ridding ourselves of clutter. We are world class crap stackers. There are piles of books, art projects, empty boxes, and what have you all over the house. My wife is an artist, avid reader, a crafter. I'm a gamer, collector, and crafter as well. Technically we're both collectors... of hobbies. She has expressed interest in building dioramas and gaming terrain with me. I recently took up book binding and as of last year started wood working again, making wands. I still want to make props for games at some point. So yes, we chase a lot of chickens. Big shiney chickens.
   We have come to the conclusion that in order to pursue all the projects we want, we have to make space. We are both avid readers, so getting rid of books is out of the question. Never entered our minds, never will. The library is off limits, in perpetuity. Cast in stone this is. As there are books in the bedroom, there really isn't anything in the bed room to put away or get rid of anyway. Yes we'll be rearranging the living room and kitchen and dining room, but the 800 pound gorilla in the house is the office. Where I keep my gaming stuff. Shelves upon shelves of miniatures, books, board games, reams of hand written notes and ideas. All the typical gamer clutter gathered over the 35 years I've been gaming.
   OK, so I'm a packrat. I admit it freely and without an ounce of guilt. I know a lot of other gamers are too. So here's my dilemma. How do I part with a significant chunk of memories? Packing up and storing game books is easily done. But what about the miniatures? I have a regimental combat team of just Inner sphere Battletech minis, at least a Galaxy of Clan mech minis, not to mention the Silent Death and Full Thrust minis. However of all the miniatures I own, the D&D minis represent the largest chunk of lead in the room. Not all of them are painted, a substantial amount are still in their packaging. Realistically, I know that selling off some of them will not only give me money to buy other things. But the primordial lizard brain keeps screaming at me not to. Yes I could probably summon the requisite will power to shut down the greedy, treasure hoarding little monster. But C'MON! THESE ARE PLEASANT MEMORIES. I go in there, I cast my gaze across the shelves and I get misty eyed.
   So I am at a crossroads. I am having such trouble letting go of the past. I won't lie, part of what I'm feeling is a reaction caused by the thoughts of becoming housebound by the MS. Fear is a natural reaction to an unknown situation. Yes the logical parts of my brain tell me I'll need the space, I could use the money, and psychosis be damned. I checked on ebay recently and the Battletech minis are commanding descent prices. I probably won't clean out my entire collection, but I'll sell off a considerable amount. Being the fan of D&D that I am, all my books, magazines, and modules will never be sold while I still draw breath. You can have my 1st Ed. DMG when you pry it from my cold dead fingers...
   I just needed this opportunity to whine about my dilemma. I'll pull up my big boy pants and figure out a solution. But until such time as I actually grow a spine, I'll stare wistfully at my shelves and remember Arrow IV strikes and an entire star of identically painted Piranhas. I'm sure there will be a certain amount of melancholy attached but I will persevere. I shall attempt to put on a brave face as I send them off to new homes with the hope someone will get as much enjoyment from them as I did. This will be difficult. It's hard to part with the elements of my past. The victories, the defeats, the many hours spent with friends.

Anyway, thanks for listening and Happy Gaming.

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