Tuesday, March 29, 2016


   So, here's an update pertaining to all the irons I have in the fire at the moment.

The Bloodrose campaign - Still working on it. The story line is all laid out. Just filling in the details and stat blocks. 91% complete.

The world of Nohj - Adding to it every week. This is approaching Forgotten Realms level of detail. Not what everyone wanted to hear, I'm sure. Never ending, 100% runnable, just adding little stuff all the time.

Hell's Symphony - The all Bard campaign. I have 2 of the major story lines and some minor encounters. Still needs lots of work. 10% complete.

Psionics re-write - Taking the Psionics from 1st edition and revamping the process and calculations. This one isn't even close. 3% complete. I still hold out hope of an epiphany.

Millenniums End/Traveller Expendables - 10% complete. Major characters realized, basic plot lines outlined.

1st edition  RAW experiment - Abandoned. I tried, I really tried. After 5 in town encounters and 3 Dungeon/Combat encounters. I can state unequivocally we never used every rule from the books, back in the day. I'll do a post on house rules next to explain.

Witch class for 1st edition - 60% complete. This is closer to a Bene Gesserit from the Dune franchise, than an old crone. Right now... Things  change and this might too.

BBEG card game - 30% complete. Concepts down, half of the mock up cards done There is still a bazillions play test games to play, rules rewrites, and getting the kinks out activities. And more play testing, and even more play testing. From everything I've read you have to play test a game right up until you die. Then your estate can make money. You won't ever get dime.

    Of course I'm just waiting for the weather to warm up, and I'll be back in the garage, playing with wood again. :-) All the writing/design get put on hold for that.

Happy Gaming!

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